I Don't Drink And Drive I Sip And Cruise Shirt

I Don't Drink And Drive I Sip And Cruise Shirt, Hoodie And Sweater The I don't drink and drive I sip and cruise shirt! Dried apricots are so deceiving. I had to LEAVE WORK because one morning I sat through several hours of meetings with absentmindedly eating from the bag of dried apricots beside me and I don't drink and drive I sip and cruise shirt! I Don't Drink And Drive I Sip And Cruise Shirt I Don't Drink And Drive I Sip And Cruise Sweater I Don't Drink And Drive I Sip And Cruise Hoodie I’m almost through the last meeting and my skirt is feeling tight. I know lunch is around the corner and I don't drink and drive I sip and cruise shirt! When we break I sprint for the single office restroom and immediately start blowing hot loud farts that I KNOW my coworkers can hear. I realize this is not going to pass anytime soon.